Book Review: Labor with Hope


In my last post, I mentioned a book that I recently read about pregnancy, labor, and motherhood. The book is called Labor with Hope by Gloria Furman. Have you heard of it? I came across this book in an Instagram ad and despite my normal pattern of quickly flipping past ads, I decided to click on it. ;)

I ended up purchasing the book, interested in reading content that described labor and motherhood in relation to refreshing, biblical truths, instead of common, worldly complaints. Also, how pretty is the book’s jacket and cover?! This makes my graphic designer heart so very happy. :D


The book arrived in the mail quickly and I gobbled it up. It’s a devotional type of book, so each “chapter” starts with a Bible passage and then Furman spends a few pages expounding on that passage. I’ve been having a tough time focusing while doing my Bible reading over the past few months, so it was a nice change of pace to read Scripture in the form of a devotional. Some days I would read multiple “chapters” in one sitting; other days, I could only handle reading one “chapter” before falling asleep. No matter how much I read in one sitting though, I always left so encouraged by the truths the Bible speaks about these topics.

One of the truths that stuck out to me the most is the prevalent analogy of childbirth labor pain in the Bible. I’d be dishonest if I didn’t admit that labor pain does intimidate me, and I do have moments of feeling fearful for the “what ifs” of labor and birth. Despite these fears, I found such peace in being reminded that the result of labor - new life and children - are always presented as treasures and blessings in Scripture. What comfort and renewed strength there is in trusting the Lord’s will and provisions in the hard work of labor and motherhood!

Another aspect that I appreciated about the book is Furman’s sensitivity to those who are experiencing different circumstances. She touches on pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, labor, birth, adoption, and motherhood, all while encouraging her readers to see themselves and others within the beautifully unifying narrative of Scripture. The Lord has a unique plan for each of our lives, but the truths of His word always remain the same.

To give you a little more info about the book, without simply reading it with you (which does sound fun!), here’s its cover description and a peek at its table of contents:

The world is filled with mixed messages for women about pregnancy. Popular books and well-meaning family and friends offer unsolicited advice about what to expect and how to stay healthy—sometimes resulting in joy and excitement but other times leading to discouragement and fear.

The Bible, too, has a lot to say about childbirth—offering real hope that nothing in this world can match. In Labor with Hope, Gloria Furman helps women see topics such as pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, birth pain, and new life in the framework of the larger biblical narrative, infusing cosmic meaning into their personal experience by exploring how they point to eternal realities.

Women will see that only Christ can provide the strength they desperately need in order to labor with hope.

Anyway, I absolutely loved reading this book and highly recommend it! This is definitely one that I’m going to keep on hand when labor pains do start and for review in the future. :)

If you’re interested in checking it out, you can find it on Amazon here.

Do you have any books you enjoyed reading about pregnancy, labor, and/or motherhood? I’d love to hear what they are in the comments!

Much love until next time,